My mother-in-law did make Emily's bedding, but it was not easy finding the right fabric, and I don't recall seeing anything red and white that I loved. We were limited to decorator fabric and a small budget too, which certainly made a difference in our options. All-in-all, the price came to just a little more than $100, and I do like the colors. I had difficulty matching sheets to the bumper pad and still feel that the color is off. But I have 3 (!) of these Amy Coe green sheets and feel that at this point I just have to get over my dreams of perfect color coordination. However, if I ever do buy new sheets for the crib, I might just find a pink that looks nice with the other colors. Why didn't I think of that sooner? I will tell you why: I thought that when Baby came home from hospital, Baby might just choose to throw up on the sheets every day, thus meaning that I needed several changes of sheets for Baby of unknown gender. That's right. I knew there was a reason for this.
Back to the baby shower stuff: I estimate that there are at least 5 baby showers in my near future. Most of the ladies I know are having boys, and I haven't figured out exactly what to make all these little guys. I saw a cuddle pirate on One Good Bumblebee, which inspires me. Evan suggested little cuddle ninjas in the same vein.